Sibylla - Unlimited discount coupons


  • The Sibylla app uses plain HTTP.
  • Not any verification of email used when logging into the app.
  • The Sibylla server stores whether a coupon has been consumed or not for a certain email address.
  • The app doesn't use the stored information at the server to decide whether a coupon has been used or not for a certain email.
  • The "consumed" value seems to be stored locally in the app.
  • Wiping the data/cache in Android's app settings will clear everything and will enable the coupons again. I.e., it is possible to use the same discount/offer as many times you wish.
  • A rouge person can "use up" all coupons for any email (from a server point of view).

The long version

Sibylla is a company who has been serving fast food for decades in Sweden. I'm just back from DEF CON 26 where I picked up a WiFi Pineapple Nano. When playing with the pineapple I enabled the DWall module, which basically sniffs plain HTTP traffic (i.e., non-encrypted). As a side effect of Google deciding to marking plain HTTP as insecure in Google Chrome, more and more sites have switched to use HTTPS only, but there are still plenty of un-encrypted traffic on the net. Out of curiosity I connected my mobile to the WLAN shared by the pineapple and watched for traffic on DWall. I tried a couple of different apps, some where dead silent and some showed some URLs, cookies and images. The Sibylla app seemed to communicate using plain HTTP and this is what can be seen when starting the app.

All calls here gets a JSON encoded payload in return, looking something like this.

getAllCoupons query returns:

    "pageId": 1969,
    "created": "2018-06-28 09:16",
    "stoppublish": "2018-09-03 00:00",
    "name": "Super Meal 2 för 99kr",
    "description": "Super Meal 2 för 99kr",
    "imageUrl": ""
    "pageId": 1970,
    "created": "2018-06-28 09:16",
    "stoppublish": "2018-09-03 00:00",
    "name": "10kr rabatt mjukglass",
    "description": "10kr rabatt mjukglass",
    "imageUrl": ""
// ... and so on

And the user specific query (getAllCouponsForUser) returns something like this:

    "pageId": 1969,
    "created": "2018-06-28 09:16",
    "stoppublish": "2018-09-03 00:00",
    "name": "Super Meal 2 för 99kr",
    "description": "Super Meal 2 för 99kr",
    "imageUrl": "",
    "consumed": false
    "pageId": 1970,
    "created": "2018-06-28 09:16",
    "stoppublish": "2018-09-03 00:00",
    "name": "10kr rabatt mjukglass",
    "description": "10kr rabatt mjukglass",
    "imageUrl": "",
    "consumed": false
// ... and so on

Basically the only difference is the consumed attribute.


In the app, Sibylla from time to time offer deals on various meals. They way it works is that you go the "deals" in the app, where you are presented a couple of different coupons. When you are buying corresponding meal you let the clerk press the "use coupon" button and then you don't have to pay the full price, simple and easy!

What happens under the hood?

When I played around with it and used up a coupon I could see the following message was sent to

I.e., something is sent back to their servers indicating that a coupon has been used and indeed when checking in the app it says that coupon already has been used and it stays like that even if you kill / restart the app. Two things caught my attention here.

  1. pageId: This is the id for the coupon. Replacing this any other valid pageId from the query posted further up will mark the coupon as used in the Sibylla server for a certain user.
  2. userId: What is that? It looks like a hash of some sort. Is it a has of the userId for the app? Or the hash of the email? Or something else?

I decompiled the apk-file (using zip, dex2jar and jd-gui) and then looked up the keyword consumeCoupon, which revealed:

    public UsedDealResponse loadDataFromNetwork() throws Exception {
        Builder campaignUriBuilder = Uri.parse(Constants.campaignService).buildUpon();
        campaignUriBuilder.appendQueryParameter("requestType", "consumeCoupon");
        campaignUriBuilder.appendQueryParameter("pageId", this.pageId);
        campaignUriBuilder.appendQueryParameter("userId", this.userId);
        String url =;
        Log.m17i("URL " + url);
        return (UsedDealResponse) getRestTemplate().getForObject(url, UsedDealResponse.class, new Object[0]);

and where userId seems to come from

    public UseDealsRequest(String userId, String pageId) {
        this.userId = md5(userId);
        Log.m17i("MD5 " + this.userId);
        this.pageId = pageId;

There we have it, the userId is a MD5 sum of something. After some fiddling I understood that is comes from the string if you used email when logging into the app. I guess it would be slightly different when using Facebook or Google login.

    md5("") = 410daeeb1b350a86defb583e08ebbf15

So, let's recap:

  • The app queries the server on start.
  • The app sends a consumeCoupon message to the server when using a coupon, but instead of plain email it is using the MD5 of the string "email_..." as the userId.

Re-use a coupon?

I wondered how they protected against using a coupon more than once. I searched the decompiled code for other requestType. But I couldn't find anything indicating that it was possible to revert a used coupon (server side). But at the same time, I've noticed that the app uses the email string when starting the app, but using an MD5 sum of the app when using a coupon. Something doesn't seem right here. Calling:


gives different result. The former tells you that no coupon has been used, but the latter will indeed tell you that the ones you've used up indeed are marked as consumed: true. So, how can the app know that a coupon has been used? Could it be stored locally? Said and done, I cleared the Sibylla apps data and cache. Restarted the app, logged in with the same email and voilá, the app tells me that the coupon hasn't been used. This must mean that the app is indeed storing data locally.


I guess a company like Sibylla probably doesn't care too much about this. Since in the end they're probably happy as long as they sell their fast food and they probably makes a nice profit even when their customers are using a discount code or something similar. But, since they walked the extra mile of letting someone create an app like this, I guess there is some interest of having e genuine app behaving as expected. There are mainly three things that seems wrong here:

  • The app stores data at a server, but the app doesn't seem to make use of this information. I cannot say whether that is a bug due to using a plain string when starting the app and using the MD5 of the string when using a coupon or if all this is intentional and the server part is just there for statistics for Sibylla marketing.
  • It is possible to re-use coupons by just clear the data/cache for the app.
  • Since there is no authentication, it is possible to exploit and put false information at their server, by just use any combination with userId/pageId.

What could and should be done?

  • The app should use HTTPS instead of plain HTTP. If that would have been the case, then this would never caught my attention.
  • The email used then logging into the app should be authenticated.
  • The server should only accept requests from authenticated users.
  • The app should use the data from the server to decide whether a user already has used a coupon or not.

This doesn't seem like a super serious issue, but I've given Sibylla knowledge about it 2018-08-19 and as common practice I'll give them a 90 days to fix the issues I've found. I.e., somewhere after the 17th November 2018 I'll publish this article on my site.

