Timing Attack - Proof of Concept

You might have heard about timing attacks, but either thought it sounded too complicated to understand or that it is too complicated to actually do such an attack. In this post I'm going to give a brief overview of a timing attack and also provide some example code that you can play with on your own. Hopefully after reading this post you will understand that you cannot neglect this if you are creating a system where security is needed.

What is a timing attack

A timing attack is a so called side channel attack where you analyze the timing information on a system is such a way that it allows to break the protection of the system or a program running on it.

How is a timing attack performed?

Typically you need to measure the amount of time needed to do operations of some kind. You can do this in several ways, for example you could hook up a set of probes on a chip or a PCB and watch the result on an oscilloscope or a logical analyzer. Another option is to simply leverage features from the CPU/architecture itself. On a normal PC running Intel (or AMD) you can use the time stamp counter rdtsc or a High Precision Event Timer hpet. Be aware that the time stamp counter isn't reliable any longer, since process speeds can change (due to power management), you have context switches etc. But just for testing it can be good enough.

So you have found a way of taking time measures, what next? The easy answer is, start measure the execution time of sensitive functions. For example when calling functions that verifies password, functions that does encryption and such. Measuring the time needed for strcmp as exemplified in the proof of concept code below is easy. It becomes more complicated if you want to do the same when doing AES encryption for example. It is still doable, but you also need to know the algorithm to know where to look and how to interpret the leaked information.


Main idea is that you need balance the string compare functions so that it always takes the same amount of time to perform.

Proof of concept

I have put together a small proof of concept / testing program to show that it is actually not that complicated to do a timing attack. It is unlikely that it is as easy as this, but still, it gives the idea and shows that you can actually use timing to guess password, guesses that are fairly good. The main idea is to show how execution time actually varies when doing string comparison. The by using this information leakage we show that we can guess pretty good what we believe the correct character is in the correct password/string.

The algorithm

  1. Loop over all characters, one by one in the string that we want to check (thisisalongstring in this case).

  2. For every character in the string, do an inner loop, where you are looping from 'a' to 'z'. For every call to the string comparison function record the amount of time it took. The letter that had longest execution time is most likely the correct character. Hence save that character in the in the array that contains guessed character.

  3. Lastly compare the correct string with guessed string to see if we got all timing based guesses correct or not.


Here are the test result of a test run with debug information enabled

$ make DEBUG=1
$ ./main 10
Shows a couple of examples of the time it takes to make string comparison
avg time long string (thisisalongstring): 821
avg time short string (foo): 532
avg time 0 char correct (XXX/foo): 486
avg time 1 char correct (fXX/foo): 495
avg time 2 char correct (foX/foo): 540
avg time 3 char correct (foo/foo): 561
Guessed that pw should be: thisisalongshring
Guessed that pw should be: thisisalongstring
Guessed that pw should be: thisisalongstring
Guessed that pw should be: thhbisalongstring
Guessed that pw should be: thisisalongstring
Guessed that pw should be: thisisalongstring
Guessed that pw should be: thisisalongstring
Guessed that pw should be: thisisalongstring
Guessed that pw should be: thisimalongstrimf
Guessed that pw should be: thisisalongstrhng
6 successful timing attacks

The figures will vary, but they are almost always in the same region. Looking at:

Line 3: we can see that it takes 821 time units for a full and correct string compare of the string thisisalongstring.

Line 4: we can see that it takes 532 time units to correctly match the string foo.

Line 5-8: for every test run, we add a correct matching character and as expected we can see that the time increases for every correct character. This is because the string compare function as said before has a timing linear to the correct number of characters.

Line 9-19: shows the result when trying to guess the string thisisalongstring based on the time it takes to guess 'a', 'b', 'c', ... 'z', for every character. This particular run we guessed correct 6 out or 10 times. Not that bad, it takes roughly 0.002 seconds to run everything above. According to Steve Gibson's Password Haystack page, it takes approximately 3.75 centuries to brute force that password once using a what he calls a "massive cracking array scenario (assuming one hundred trillion guesses per second)".

A couple of interesting things I've noticed

  • If I increase the TEST_LOOPS define I actually get much worse result?
  • If I turn on all optimizations, i.e. -O3, it doesn't work at all.
  • The last character was always incorrectly guessed and that is the reason why I've added a space at the end of the string 'thisisalongstring', which I later on strip away. I believe the reason for this problem is inaccuracy using rdtsc.

If any reader of this post knows the answer to my reflections above, please leave a comment.

Source code

